NRMU (CR/KR) celebrated Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav at all over Central Railway. On 12.08.22 in Mumbai Division of C.Rly. NRMU (CR/KR) organized a disciplinary rally from CMST station to GM Office in the lead of GS Com. Venu P. Nair. More than 100 young workers and lady comrades joined this rally and mahotsav. The attraction of the rally was all are in red attire with holding National Flag in hands. GM/PCPO/DRM/Secy to GM/ADRM(Admin)/ Sr. DPO/Sr. DEN and other officers joined NRMU’s Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav at CSMT. National Anthem sang in front of GM Office and DRM office.
On 13/08/2022 at Matunga Workshop NRMU (CR/KR) organized a rally from Union branch office to CWM office. The attraction of rally was 75 cadres in red attire holding 75 National Flags lead by GS Com. Venu P. Nair and Com. Shyam Naik. CWM and other officers joined NRMU Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav program. At the main gate of CWM office salute given to National Flag by playing National Anthem music.
GS Com. Venu P. Nair thankful to GM/PCPO/DRM/Secy to GM/ADRM(Admin)/ Sr. DPO/Sr. DEN/CWM (MTN) and all officers and cadres for their participation in Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav celebration arranged by NRMU (CR/KR).